Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 6 Discussion & Gallery
Kai Byoui Ramune’s episode six was fine but hardly surprising. I mean, we all knew that everything would work out in the end, which means that the cliffhanger from the previous episode didn’t make that much of an impact. Meanwhile, the way how Rio got his voice back was also easier than I would like. It’s true that this is the first character that actually goes with the harder solution off the bat, which means that he deserves to have an easier time curing his mother. Still, just eating the pearl that the mysterious object created seems to be the easy way out. I’m happy that the family got a somewhat happy ending, though – they deserve it.
The mom’s psychological evolution was more well-executed. The fight between remembering her eldest’s terrible death and listening to Rio to help him was an interesting watch. The Anime was also able to catch the bitter-sweet development of the mother’s happiness for being able to help Rio while feeling sad at the same time for remembering such hard memories. The Anime goes as far as showing that the family still needs some time to fully heal by having the mother serving four plates for dinner instead of three. Clearly, she was the star of the episode.
Other than that, it was nice to watch Kuro fearing for Ramune. He usually has a dismissive approach towards his mentor, so it was good to see the character breaking up a bit. Did you enjoy Kai Byoui Ramune’s episode six? Tell me everything down below. ?
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