Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2 Discussion & Gallery

Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2 Discussion & Gallery
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The question is: how random and hilarious can Kamisama ni Natta Hi get? Episode 2 was way funnier than episode 1. The part where they are trying to film the summer movie for Youta’s sister – Sora – was just freaking amusing to watch. The randomness of each shooting (Youta dressed as Edward Scissorhands, really?) and Kyouko making hilarious comments, as she thinks everything’s happening is real, it’s just hilarious! If you ever wondered what my type of sense of humor is, then that’s it.

After half of the episode focusing on being comical, Kamisama ni Natta Hi changes its vibe completely by becoming far more serious. We get to watch Kyouko’s (very needed) background story, and then there’s a cute moment in the end with Youta and Kyouko on the piano. I know that using a Goddess and faking that you like everything they like to conquer your love interest is not something you should do in real life, but it works for the Anime. Also, by the end of the piano session, we finally see a real moment between those two, and it’s lovely. Of course, Youta doesn’t have the guts to make the next move, but well… The Anime couldn’t finish right away. Did you enjoy Kamisama ni Natta Hi’s episode 2? Tell me everything down below. ?

I’ll be adding new galleries throughout the season as new episodes come out. Enjoy! If you have a website and want to use one of my images, feel free to do so. I’ll be happy if you backlink to this article, but it’s not mandatory.

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