Kimi to Boku no Saigo Episode 12 Discussion & Gallery

Kimi to Boku no Saigo Episode 12 Discussion & Gallery
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For a season finale, Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou’s episode 12 was quite good. There was a lot of fighting going on, a worthy final boss, and some mystery unresolved to make you come back when season two starts. Although I’m not a big fan of mixing 3D animation with traditional Anime design, I’ll have to say that the fight against the mass-destructive machine was nicely done. Of course, the difference between the two animation styles was visible, but they were both greatly done and blended well together.

Regarding the episode story – we basically ended up almost at the same step we started it. The masked man was able to survive due to sheer luck, but all evidence he had against Sisbell was destroyed. The machine almost sent information showing that Mismis was a witch, but it was stopped in time by Iska and Nene. Probably the only different thing about the story was the conversation between the Queen and Elletear. Basically, the Queen knows about her daughter’s betrayal, and it ends up with a mysterious note saying that she isn’t actually the princess. More than that, I’m also curious to know what the emperor wants from Salinger. If I’m going to come back to know in season 2… Probably not. Did you enjoy Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou’s final episode? Tell me everything down below. ?

I’ll be adding new galleries throughout the season as new episodes come out. Enjoy! If you have a website and want to use one of my images, feel free to do so. I’ll be happy if you backlink to this article, but it’s not mandatory.

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