Tatoeba Last Dungeon Episode 6 Discussion & Gallery
Tatoeba Last Dungeon’s episode six might have been a bit more serious (inside of Tatoeba Last Dungeon’s scope, of course), but the episode was wonderful, nonetheless. It showed that Tatoeba Last Dungeon can handle some more serious topics, such as Riho’s past, and create complex characters with complicated personalities like Rol. I still don’t understand why a magic school headmaster was admitted into a championship that it’s supposed to be for students, though.
For the remaining part, Tatoeba Last Dungeon maintained its hilarious pace, with jokes being thrown for at least half of the episode. As always, the Anime was able to get me, and I found myself laughing hard several times throughout the episode. Of course, my favorite part was Alka’s latest curse that made Marie going to the bathroom every ten minutes. The scene where she’s apologizing to the crystal ball was hilarious! Did you enjoy Tatoeba Last Dungeon’s episode six? Tell me everything down below. ?
I’ll be adding new galleries throughout the season as new episodes come out. Enjoy! If you have a website and want to use one of my images, feel free to do so. I’ll be happy if you backlink to this article, but it’s not mandatory.