Day 10: Favourite Fighter Anime | I Don’t Really Get this One

Day 10: Favourite Fighter Anime | I Don’t Really Get this One

Hi guys and welcome to my place!

It’s day 10 of my 30-ish Anime Challenge!!! First, let us see the list of the challenge (You can click any of the days before to go to the post of that day :P):

So… I am at loss with this one… What is a “fighter anime”? Is it my favourite anime which involves fighting, my favourite fighting scene, or is it my favourite fighter? Well… To be sure that I answer the challenge correctly I’ll answer the 3 questions xD

Well, my favorite fighting anime is Naruto, but I already wrote about that, is the number tenth of my top 10 series XD you can read it here! It’s really funny how my writing changed in 2 months! 😀

Now, taking out Naruto of the picture, I get undecided between HunterxHunter and Fairy Tail… But because of the ant arc I’ll go with:

Fairy Tail


The thing about Fairy Tail is that you get a tremendous difference in super powers. The only thing they all have in common is magic, but magic can take all forms and Fairy Tail really does it well. You have elemental powers such as fire, ice, wind, but you also have conjuring powers such as the zodiac keys. That’s why I love Fairy Tail so much regarding the fighting part, it is really diverse.

Now for the fighting scene… It is hard to pick just one!!! Really hard! But I will go with:

Sasuru vs. Sakura and Chyo


This fight has a special place in my heart for me. I always liked Sakura (unpopular opinion I know) and this fight shows how much she developed with years of training. She starts being a reliable ninja as a medic and as a close combat fighter. More than that the fight does not have a dull moment and it’s really dynamic, it also needs some strategy from Sakura and Chyo to be able to defeat Sasuru.

For the favourite fighter, another hard question… But I will go with:

Saya from Blood+


The thing about Saya is that she needs to go from a regular high school girl to a killing machine vampire, even though she doesn’t remember anything. I think more of her fighting style, the thing that I like about her the most is the way she tries to improve herself while at the same time dealing with her inner feelings of loss and pressure. She doesn’t really know what she is doing and she already has the burden to save the world. If you never saw Blood+ I highly recommend it.

That’s all for today folks? Which your favourite fighter anime? XD Meaning, fighting anime, favourite fight and favourite fighter character XD Do you agree with my choices? Comment down below!!!

See Ya Tomorrow! 😀

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