Day 14: Anime that never gets old | Let’s Spice the Things Up

Day 14: Anime that never gets old | Let’s Spice the Things Up
As Low As $29.99 for Demon Slayer

Hi guys and welcome to my place!

It’s day 14 of my 30-ish Anime Challenge!!! First, let us see the list of the challenge (You can click any of the days before to go to the post of that day :P):

Hmmm…. This one is a little bit hard, just because I am not that kind of person that rewatches things… However, there is one anime (movie) that I rewatched last week with my best friend and it was like watching it for the first time, even tough I remembered everything 😛 (There is another one, but that one is a secret which I will write a review next week ;)) The anime is:


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Paprika is about a team of scientists that invented a technology that let you enter the dreams of other people. It is not yet 100% done, but they already experiment in some depression patients with good results. Basically they use the dreams to enter the subcoscience of the patients and help them work their problems out. However, the technology is stolen and someone starts using that for evil.

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From the beginning you know that you are going for a ride of great visuals and wtf moments. As everyone knows we can have really random and strange dreams and Paprika captures that in an excellent way. The visuals and the scenes really amazed me on the first time I watched Paprika, and for the second time, even though I already saw it once, it amazed me all over again. I still can’t understand how the creators were able to reproduce dreams in a so perfect way.

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Contrary to the majority of anime movies I’ve seen so far, the pace is really smooth and you don’t feel that the movie is trying to go against time and put a ton of information that the story needs (Yes I am looking at you Silent Voice). You will feel that you are seeing a movie with a beginning, middle and ending with everything well explained and time to understand what are you watching and fall in love with the characters.

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Talking about characters, I love the main character: Dr. Chiba/Paprika. Basically she has 2 personalities, her normal self and her persona when visiting other people dreams. Those personalities are completely different, Dr Chiba is more serious, analytical and calm person while Paprika is more joyful, get into action and talkative.


If you never saw Paprika, I highly recommend it! It is one of my favorite anime movies out there 😀

That’s all for today folks! What do you think of Paprika? Also, tell me which anime never gets old for you on the comments below!

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See Ya Tomorrow! 😀


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