Displate Review | Awesome Anime Wall Art

Displate Review | Awesome Anime Wall Art
3C Category

Hello everyone and welcome to our shelter! 🙂

Today’s post is going to be a little different. And no, I’m still not back. When it comes to Anime reviews I’ll probably only come back when the Summer Season starts. Nevertheless, I will write a small update post for the ones interested in what is happening with my life! 🙂 Today I will be reviewing a company, or service if you may. I will be reviewing Displate.

It’s been a while since my boyfriend and I have been looking for nice paintings to hang in our walls. Since we both love Anime and gaming so much, of course, we wanted them to be from those types of media. That’s when I found Displate.

It’s true that since then I applied to their affiliate program and got in. However, this review is my honest opinion on how things went with the Displates they sent me. Having a code or an affiliate link has nothing to do it. Well, you could say that I only have an affiliate link and a code because I like their service. To be honest, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t promote it, simple as that!


What Is A Displate?

what is a displate

Displate is an e-commerce business where the community is all together working for one thing, selling art, especially from smaller artists.

The Displates are metal posters with such high standard quality that they could be presented in a museum or an exposition. Let me tell you, after getting my 3 own Displates I can agree with that.

This is how it works. Anyone can go to their website and go for 3 different accounts. Artist, which means you can upload your artwork/photography and sell them on the website, gaining a fee from each Displate you sell.

You can also be an art agent, which is associated with any account. Meaning, if you create an account just to buy some Displates, you will be automatically an art agent. This account gives you an affiliate link which you can share with your friends, family, social media followers, whatever, and you will also get a percentage of each sale done by following one of your links.

Last, but not the least, you have the influencer account (my own). This one takes a little more for you to get it. You need to show that you have a platform that goes towards what they sell. In this case, you will also get a promotional code and they will send you samples for you to try them out and, hopefully, promote them. Yeah, I’m not stupid, of course, they are not sending something just because. Nevertheless, not even once they obligated me to promote it in order to get these 3 samples.

A Quintuple Win

Gon Anime win

Let me explain what was the first thing that caught my attention when I entered Displate website and put the company in such a high standard to me. And, no, it was not the awesome artwork I found!

The thing that really stuck with me was how they take the win-win situation by heart. In fact, when someone buys from Displate, it probably won’t be only a win-win situation, but a win-win-win-win-win situation.

First, all of the Displates there have art created by artists, normally smaller ones. They get a fee for each Displate sold. Moreover, as I told you, everyone’s account is automatically an art agent account, which means that if they make sales through their own affiliate links, they will get even more money.

Second, you have the art agent thing. Meaning, anyone who promotes Displate also gets a percentage. Mine is 15% which is really not bad at all compared to other affiliates’ programs.

Third, if you use one of the codes spread on the Internet (mine is animeshelter by the way) you will get a 15% discount. In other words, you are also saving money.

Fourth, the company, of course, wins with this since they are getting sales.

Last, but not least, the environment also wins. Displate has a policy which, for each Displate they sell, they plant 10 trees.

Isn’t it amazing? Basically, everyone wins with the transaction of one Displate. They could give lower percentages, they didn’t really have to plants trees, and their promotion code is also good. J-List for example only gives a 5% discount code to affiliates.

Basically, just because of this I was already sold to this company. But then, my Displates arrived, and things were even better.

Client Service Review

Displate Client Service
Can I take your order, sir?

I will give you a full review of my experience with Displate as an Influencer. However, I looked for some reviews from buyers and everyone seems to be pretty happy and had similar experiences as me.

So, all of this started by me sending an email to them asking for a coupon code and if it was ok to display their Displates in my Anime Shelter Shop. As you probably know, that is an e-commerce affiliate shop, so the way the items are there is a little different from your normal widget by the sidebar. This way, I felt it was important to ask for their permission.

Well, their response was one of the most pleasant I’ve received from a company. They took just a few hours to answer my email. The person who answered me was not responsible for the question I had about the affiliate shop, so he just answered my question about the discount code and cc’d the person who had the information about my other question. In the following day, I had my discount code created, everything I wanted to know answered and, even though I didn’t ask for it, a query in order to tell them which Displates I wanted to order as samples.

All of this with extremely polite emails! Not gonna lie, reading them saying that my shop looked awesome boosted my confidence a bit! 😛

Anyways, they told me that, after I answered the form, it would take around 5 working days for my Displates to arrive. Well, it took for 🙂

The Displates Themselves

Jump Force artwork Displate
This is one of the latest artworks inspired by the game Jump Force

So, yesterday morning I got my Displates and let me tell you, I couldn’t wait to come out of work and open the package and see the Displates themselves. By the way, from here onwards, I will show some photos while I was unpacking and assembling the displates… Well, I’m a terrible photographer I just want you to know that!

I just opened the package and I was already happy with the box! I have to say that it actually made me sad when I sent the box to the trash bin. The art on it is just too pretty!

Displate box

Anyways, I opened the box and was happy to see that my goods were well protected in order to not have any problems while coming my way. As you can see from the photos you have layers upon layers of cardboard in order to protect each one of the Displates. Of course, because of this, the Displates were in a perfect state and none had even a scratch on them.


Afterward, it was time to put them on the walls. I chose my Displates to not have any kind of frame around them, but you do have that option. Well, I have to say, contrary to what I was thinking, it was easy and quick to put them on the walls. Let me tell you, it beats nailing nails to the wall. The steps you have to do is just:

  1. Clean the wall where you want to put the Displate with the cleaning wipes they provide.
  2. Put the protection, which they also give you, in the wall where the magnets need to go.
  3. Glue the magnets to that protection.
  4. Put the Displates in the wall. 

And, that’s it! It took me around 5 minutes for each Displate.


Displate Overview

I couldn’t be happier with, well, everything! From the beginning to the end, it was great!

I loved their vision and mission as a company. Then, I loved how I was treated by their employees. Moreover, everything arrived on time and in perfect condition.

Last, but not least, the Displates were the same as what I saw on their website. Furthermore, as they said, the quality is great. Needless to say, I became a huge fan and will be buying more Displates from them in the near future. Probably, I will ask my boyfriend to draw his own artworks (I’m terrible at drawing), so we can transform them to Displates and have something from our authorship in our home.

If you are looking for some good Anime/Gaming artwork I highly recommend in trying out Displate. Of course, they have tons of other pieces of art that are not related to gaming or Anime. So, just go there and browse the thousands of artworks and photographies they have in there! I’m sure you will find what you are looking for! 🙂 Just, don’t forget! Use code animeshelter to get 15% off 😉

9 thoughts on “Displate Review | Awesome Anime Wall Art

    1. It is, isn’t it? And is the perfect explanation of how my boyfriend is… Cute on the outside, mad in the inside hahahaha xD (And he is also always counting the days for Friday)

    1. Thank you! :3 yeah, I really loved the Totoro one! I love it especially because you can still see the artist own thing, even if it’s about Totoro. The moment I saw it, I knew that one was going to be shipped to my house haha

    1. Yeah, they do! 🙂 I still haven’t been able to add them to the shop, though ^^ But if you follow any of my affiliate links and then seach by Haikyuu they will appear ^^

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