3 Days 3 Quotes Tag | Second Day: Wanting and Needing, 2 different things

3 Days 3 Quotes Tag | Second Day: Wanting and Needing, 2 different things

Hi guys and welcome to my place!ย ?

It’s the second day of the 3 quotes 3 days! ๐Ÿ˜€

Letโ€™s go over the rules again:

โ€ข Thank the person who nominated you.

โ€ข Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day, can be a super short post).

โ€ข Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Thank you againย Auri-neeย for tagging meย โค

Now, my second quote is more of a lyric than a quote per sais, but I end up thinking on it many times:

When you try your best but you don’t succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can’t sleep

By Coldplay – song: Fix You

Ok… I know, there is many thoughts in those 3 lines of lyrics and I will address them all, don’t worry!

First: Trying your best and not succeeding… It’s one of the worst things ever. It does hurt a lot when you do put yourself 100% in something and in the end not working out and it can be anything in life honestly… The thing is, there will be many times that we won’t be able to get something we want by only giving the 100%. It blows my mind me the quantity of Youtubers that are amazing and don’t have even 1% of the subscribers they deserve, but the thing is… Luck is also part of the equation, like it or not. However, I am true believer that if you want something and you fight a lot to get it you eventually WILL get it. So, even if you are doing your best and not succeding don’t put your arms down, know that sooner or later you will succeed. Also, don’t forget to always learn and evolve. Sometimes your best is not enough and that only means one thing: Not that you will never be able to do it, but that you need to improve yourself first before doing it ๐Ÿ™‚

Second: Getting what you want and not what you need: This happened to me in the past. Most recently my latest job. I wanted to work in the marketing department in a multinational company and if it paid well, the better. Well, that was what I got and I hated 90% of it. So yeah, I thought that what I wanted was what I needed, but it was not. Well, how to be able to differentiate these two things is not easy, but I do remember when taking the job that I was not 100% confident that I would like to work there! I know that there were some red flags happening in my mind that I shut down because I thought I needed that job… Well, I can say that nowadays I take my red flags way more seriously and try to hear my emotions a lot more! ๐Ÿ˜€

The last line of the verse is just, well, what is the result of the 2 lines before. If you dwell in those two for too long it’s just normal that you won’t be a happy person. And when you are not happy the night before going to sleep is always a challengeย because of all the thoughts that come up. My advice for this is, if you are not happy, then understand what do you need to change in your life and do it. In my case, I quit my job with no idea where I would go next. I am now working in the digital marketing area where I wanted to have some experience and in a small business instead of a multinational. Guess what? It’s working out. It’s true that I am earning way less than I was before and I’m not that good money wise at the moment, but the truth is, I’m way happier now! ๐Ÿ˜€

I nominate:

  1. ย It’s An Anime Thing
  2. Lili’s Blissful Pages
  3. Takuto’s Anime Cafe

Again, if you already been tagged feel free to not pay attention and just go with your life like this never happenedย ?

And that’s it for today! Tomorrow I’ll come back with another quote! ^^


See You Tomorrow

0 thoughts on “3 Days 3 Quotes Tag | Second Day: Wanting and Needing, 2 different things

  1. Ahhh Coldplay!!!! I love Coldplay!! ? This song is one of my favourites by them and I agree with your break down of those three lines! That was a great choice for a quote! ?

    1. eheh! ๐Ÿ˜€ My relationship with a Coldpaly is a little like turn on, turn off… It seems that they are able to put up or work that I love, or that I don’t like a bit of it ahah Glad you liked it^.^

      1. Ahh I get that. I like most of their music either on first listening or they just grow on me. So fat there’s only one that I completely hate but I can’t listen to Coldplay the way I listen to other artists. I can only listen to them when I’m in the mood :’)

        1. ahahah I know what you mean. Although I’ve taught myself not to listen to moody music so I don’t become just… depressed xD But I do hear their music that is more uplifting (let us call that for now) pretty often xD

          1. Ahh I get you!! I went and revamped my playlist to try and keep myself from listening to moody music. So far, it hasn’t really worked ?
            Yeah same here lol though somehow or the other I always end up listening to at least one song that puts me in the depressed mood so I guess I’m not doing a very good job.

          2. Ahahah completely can relate to that, that’s why I know only listen to pop music basically! You know that the lyrics never go too deep with that genre xp

          3. Hahahaha I guess that’s one way to get around it ?
            When it comes to music in english, I’ve been listening to about five artists for as long as I can remember and I don’t really branch out. So yeah most of the music I listen to is basically artist based rather than genre because why not? :’)

          4. I also do have some artists that I follow all their work! And to be honest I like every type of genres xD but normally I need music to pump me up so I just function as a normal human being so I always go with pop play lists xp

          5. Same here! I can never respond to someone when they ask what genre of music I listen to because it’s literally everything ?
            Ahhh I get you! I turn to my Japanese playlist for that. It’s pretty upbeat so that’s my go to music if I need motivation or feel good vibes :’)

          6. I don’t understand enough Japanese to follow the lyrics so I can’t just go and sing (really bad) along the music xD but I do have some j-pop, j-rock and k-pop mixed in my lists xD maybe you could give me some names of groups to follow since I don’t know that much about it although I want to xF

          7. Ahh fair enough. I picked up Japanese so I sing along but super terribly! ?
            Hmm well I listen to Man on a Mission, Spyair, The Oral Cigarettes, Hello Sleepwalkers, Nico Touches the Wall, Flow and Eir Aoi to name a few :’)

    1. Ah and I’m also looking forward for the last quote, since I don’t have the slightest idea what am I going to choose ahah And I am also looking forward to have some time so I can binge read your quotes eheh

    1. Oh that seems like a life changing event! ๐Ÿ˜€ I never had the opportunity to see big groups/singers live yet… Although they come to Portugal more or less frequently ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. when i saw the quote i was like wait i recognize that song xD and while i never worked for a big company i get what you mean. my first job paid a decent amount but i just hated it so much. a few months later i got a second job and it paid less but i was enjoying it a lot more. i ended up leaving my first job because being so unhappy was stressing me out. though now i find myself in a similar situation, lol. i can’t really afford to quit rn but i’m hoping to find something that i really want to do. it’s really inspiring to see how get go you are, i feel like i should try that xD i’m such a procrastinating potato O(-(

    1. It’s really complicated >.< To be honest I find myself getting tired of a job pretty quickly… I'm in management so the job just starts to feel the same thing every day pretty quickly bah
      Loool to be honest I had to pass trought a process to be like I am now. Not so long ago I would pass hours procrastinating in 9gag and things like that ahah Nowadays I don't really do that and I end the day feeling more accomplished than before, although I always need that time of the day where I shut my mind and just don't do anything productive ahah

  3. Thank you… ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I love this tag as I am one of those bookish nerd who really collect and jot down quotes from every book I read and even from movies and TV shows…:) ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the quote you used. So relatable…
    Thanks again for nominating me.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. *sees Coldplay GIF*
    *has to sneak over*
    …well, I never would’ve thought of quoting a song for one of these (assuming I ever got one, that is…) but judging by the way you’ve explained it, it’s definitely a good choice. The personal connection is a nice touch, too.

    1. Ahahah! Sneak over all you want eheh
      Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜€ I don’t know why but this part of the song always stayed on my mind from day 1 I heard the music (which has been years now) so I had to put it in the tag eheh

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