Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award | I Feel That I Am Part of Something Here

Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award | I Feel That I Am Part of Something Here

Hello everyone and welcome to our place!

It seems I just got tagged/invited to the World Bloggers’ Brotherhood by the kindest and one of the most awesome people I met in blogging, Mel! Thank you so much!!!! Am I part of some kind of hidden society now?

I’ll be waiting for my first secret mission to arrive!

I mean, when I read “Brotherhood”, the first thing that comes to mind is Assassin’s Creed, so you could understand the hidden society thing 😀

But, enough of my fantasies! Let’s go and start this!

– Brotherhood’ Rules –

  • Thank the Person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the questions sent to you.
  • Nominate around 10 bloggers.
  • Create your own set of questions for your nominees and display the rules.
  • No Gifs today since I’m now in a hidden society and I can’t show myself so easily

– Mel’s Questions –

Is there a post you always wanted to write but still haven’t found the way to write it?

Hmmm… I don’t think so (?) I mean, I have some ideas in the backlog. However, it’s not like I haven’t found the way to write it, but more the time! As you know I have a certain schedule for the different themes I talk about here, so sometimes I have more than one idea to one of the subjects and I have to postpone it a little bit.

However, if we talk in using different media that I want to mingle and still didn’t, that is another question. I still want to give YouTube a go. However, due to the latest changes and me living in Portugal, I still don’t know how should I do it. I also have ideas to start a podcast and let’s not forget about streaming.

I need to start growing my hair….

The thing here is mostly about time and feeling that it will take time to be good enough to do it. Not forgetting that I don’t have the required tools to do it. I mean, doing YouTube videos without a HD camera will be difficult to get many views.

So… I don’t know when I’m going to actually do it! Days only have 24h and I need at least an 8 hours rest. So, stay tuned and we’ll see!

Oh! Completely forgot! I also have a secret project that will start my Patreon. However, I still didn’t have the time to do it. So many project, so little time.

Last movie you watched ?Did you like it?

Movie? To be honest I don’t remember… I think the last movie I’ve watched was “Truth or Dare” in the cinema, months ago. I did like it. It’s a “horror” story and I liked how they were able to make a good conclusion that I was not expecting it! Also, will never play Truth or Dare ever again.

Truth…. Or Dare? – See how creepy this is?

Your dream vacation ?

Japan! Always Japan!

If you could go anywhere on Earth without having to think about time and money, where would you go?

Well… Japan again! 😀

I want to go see the Sakura Trees so badly~!

Your favorite anime song (it can be and opening, an ending or an insert song) ?

That’s a really good question that I needed to think a lot about. There are 2 that I really love and I’ll just add the vid for both of them.

“Kanashimi o Yasashisa ni” – Little By Little from Naruto series and  Splash Free from FREE! Iwatobi swim club.

If you could produce your own anime, which genre would it be? how would be the main lead?

Again, great question Mel! I think the genre would be Horror with a little of romance.

The main lead would be a cool guy with a lot of wits and intelligence. However, still kind and funny to be around. Something like Nagisa from Free! combined with Lelouch from Code Geass Intelligence but with the looks of a Makoto from Free! (If that makes any sense).

– Nominations –

Yes you are! <3

Of course I have to invite people for this brotherhood! You can see me as your first step in the initiation! If you have been nominated before you can disregard this one. However, as you know it’s difficult to know who has been nominated and who didn’t, so I prefer to nominate nonetheless.

– My Questions –

Prepare yourselves!

I loved some of Mel’s question, so I’m going to “steal” one of them and since we are all busy people I’ll just ask 3 questions XD

If you could produce your own anime, which genre would it be? how would be the main lead?

If you had to describe your blog in 3 words what would it be?

What is your favorite anime/game/book/anything genre and why? (answer to the ones that make sense to you xD)

Hope you enjoyed this little post and had fun with it! Have an awesome beginning of week! 🙂

See You Soon! 😀

0 thoughts on “Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award | I Feel That I Am Part of Something Here

  1. Aww, thanks so much for the nomination! I am unfortunately already part of the Brotherhood as I was nominated by three other people for this one, and I published the post in the weekend. But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the nomination. So let me answer your questions in this way:

    If there were any anime I would be allowed to make it would definitely be one that takes place in the Bladerunner Universe (I absolutely loved the last film, it has become one of my alltime favorite SF movies) And seeing as she would fit in that universe perfectly it would be awesome if The Major from Ghost in the Shell could somehow appear there as the main lead ?

    Three words huh? Erm…..let’s see: Totally Messed Up? I’m not even kidding here. As my blog deals with so many different topics it’s becoming increasingly more unstable lol ?

    Ughh…that last one is so tough to answer…I don’t even think I can pick a favorite anime:Another is definitely one, but I also highly enjoyed Psycho Pass and Erased. All of these are totally different shows, but they are awesome in their own way. Another because it’s the best horror anime that I have ever seen. Psycho Pass because I just love the look of it, and it has a truly chilling storyline. And Erased because it’s simply put totally amazing. ( I know that last one isn’t much of a reason, but it’s really how I feel about that one ?).

    Wonderful post you made for this by the way. Like your choice for a dream vacation: Japan is on my to visit list very high as well.
    Have a great week yourself, and sorry for the way too long comment ??

    1. Lol..having just come over from Pete’s blog…I saw that I read your final question completely wrong: it said genre. Ooopssss…my bad. Let me correct my answer to that final question as it makes it much easier. My favorite genre would be..drumroll. Dark dystopian future (things like Bladerunner, Ghost in the Shell etc.) I love that genre because of the atmosphere it creates. It’s creepy and dark, but also usually creates mind boggling worlds. And it makes for truly great science fiction. Sorry for reading the question too fast ??

      1. Ahahah! Yeah I was pretty sure that you already had been nominated, but well, don’t want to take guesses after what happened with Irina xD

        Thank you for answering in the comments, though xD

        Ooooh I could see that working eheh That’s an excellent choice you got there xD

        LOLOL Nothing of the sort! I would go more for Awesome Random Blog (Random because you talk about of different topics?) XD

        Ahahah, from the first comment I would think you would say horror xD But, it makes complete sense ahah I should really try more of that genre xD Ghost in he Shells is in my want to watch list what seems forever now! But I loved Ergo Proxy 😛

        Yeah, Japan will always be the country that I really want to get to know first handed. And it’s not even because of the Anime ahah It’s more because of the cultrure and tradition!

        1. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I am absolutely in awe of Asian culture. Whether it’s China, Japan or Korea, all of these just fascinate me to no end. I desperately want to at least once in my lifetime visit one of these countries, though my preference certainly goes out to Japan.
          Lol…horror is very close to the other genre for me, so it was a tough choice. Ghost in the Shell is amazing and an absolute must watch ? Ergo Proxy I’m sorry to say was a bit of a let down for me ?
          Lol…I like you three word description for my blog much better than mine…haha.Thanks!
          You are welcome it was the least I could do, and really thank you for the nomination ??

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