Create A Story Tag: Clair de Lune (Music + School + Drama)
Hello everyone and welcome to our place! 🙂
I’m back home, but still in holidays, Since I live near the beach my mom is visiting and will stay for the rest of week! This way, sorry if I still am not commenting and writing posts like usual! 🙂 (And I’m also addicted to Kingdom Hearts)
To be honest, today I was completely struck! I didn’t know what to write about… In the slightest. (The post tomorrow will probably be about just that xD).
So, you can understand how happy biblionyan (and relieved) when she tagged me for Create a Story Tag! You just saved me today biblio. So, thank you so much eheh! 😀 If you are still not following her, please stop everything and just do it! She is just one of the most lovely persons I ever had the pleasure of meeting! You can read her story here! Not gonna lie, it’s one the most beautiful small stories I’ve read in a long time!
For you that don’t know which tag is this one, here it goes! It was created by the awesome Leap, Keiko, and The Pantless Anime Blogger. Yes, that many! You can check out the Create-A-Story Tag Announcement here! Also, check TPAB’s, one of the creators, post -> Tag: Music + Hospital +Drama post.
– The Rules –
- You pick your first word, your setting, and your story genre from the list below. As individuals, your brand of creativity is unique to yours, so we want to highlight that by letting you choose from a bunch of words and creating something beautiful out of it.
- The short story will have a limit of 1000 words. You do not need to write a story with 1000 words exactly. It could be 300, or 500 as long as it doesn’t surpass a thousand.
- You must tag three people to participate.
- Don’t forget to link back to Keiko (use her latest post for now) so she can collect all the stories. You can’t just link back to her WordPress, since she won’t be alerted of the pingback. You need to link back to a post or a page, because WordPress works like this.
- Use the Create-A-Story picture in the post.
- Copy and paste the rules in your tag post as well, so others can be clued in to the Create-A-Story rules.
I’ll give my nominations at the end! So, here’s go nothing and I hope you like the story eheh
– Clair de Lune –
(Music + School + Drama)
Music. Not any kind of music. It was that music. I was in the school corridor, it was the last class and I was preparing myself to get home when that soft piano sound struck me. I never have heard that melody before. But, at the same time it felt way too nostalgic to be the first time hearing it. For any kind of strange reason, I just felt warm inside and a vanilla ice cream image popped up my mind. I was intrigued, I had to understand where that music was coming from.
I started moving faster in the direction of the sound. The clearer I heard the music, more my heart beat harder. Without realizing I was running across the corridors. I passed by people but they all just seemed like shadows. My head and heart could only think in one thing. The music.
The music seemed to follow my steps, becoming nearer of the climax and intense the faster I ran. Finally, I was there. Outside of the auditorium’s. I could hear the music reaching its climax in any second and I just had to enter.
I opened the door slowly without wanting to startle the person who was playing. And… there you were. Playing the piano for an empty auditorium. Without making any noise I seated in the last row, hidden by the shadows. I looked at you and I was baffled with the massive beauty you emanated.
Your body moving with perfect sync with the music dressed in a tight black dress. I was hypnotized with the movements of your long hair moving up and down while you struck the piano keys. Did minutes pass? Or hours? I just can’t tell! I lost the sense of time completely. As I lost the awareness around me, completely absorbed in you, in your music. Probably that’s why I didn’t realize your fingers pressing those last notes in a slowly and smooth way.
I just realized you had stopped when you looked at me, directly into my eyes… Into my soul. I don’t know how, but you knew exactly the seat I was.
– Matt… I was waiting for you! – you said in a calm and suave voice.
You got up and turned towards me in a so fluid style that I had to ask myself if you hadn’t practice that movement over and over to get it right. However, by the way you were walking towards me I realized that those fluid and gentle movements were your natural self. Behind you, in the centre I could see the gigantic moon from the window. Clearly, I had been there more time than I realized.
The more you advanced, the faster my heart beat. I didn’t know you. I didn’t even know how you knew me or why you were expecting me but I was too inebriated in the moment and in your river eyes. When you got to my seat I could feel my heart in my mouth. Have to be honest, I thought I was going to throw up.
I got up from my seat like I just had been electrocuted. You smile. Our faces were close and I felt losing myself under your blue eyes and your perfect figure. You lifted your arm and softly touched my 2-day beard. You looked more intensive to me and smiled again. However, this time the smile was one of sorrow, I could see it in your eyes.
– Matt… I love you! – you kissed me. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the moment. A passionate, but sober kiss. One that only soul mates would share. All this involved in the vanilla scent that was your perfume.
And then… It hit me! I knew you! Of course, I did! How could I have forgotten you was the question. You were my love, my darling, my… Everything.
I opened my eyes. But the auditorium was missing. You were missing. I looked around me but I could just see darkness. That’s when I realized. It had been a dream. A dream where it combined the day we met, the music I loved to hear you play the most and the black dress who you have used in our first date. I looked to the left side of the bed and there it was. Your empty space. The space which had been empty for ten years when you left me so abruptly in that car accident. I turned my head to the ceiling with my eyes closed and felt the warm of my tears down my face.
And… There it was. The music… Again. Probably I was still half-asleep. However, I decided to get up and try to understand where the music was coming from. The music led me to the living room.
As I did in my dream I opened the door softly and for a second I saw you. But, of course, it was not you. No… In fact, it was the reason of not giving up my life when you left. I never told him about this music, but it seems he was also attached to it. And, as you, he played it magically.
The music stopped.
– Sorry dad, did I wake you up? – I smiled, negatively nodded my head and closed the door. Not a second later and the delicate music could be heard.
I leaned my back against the door, smiled and closed my eyes.
Darling, I love you… I miss you… But, you will have to wait for me until I get old. I surely will wait for you!
Ok guys! That was it! 😀 I hope you enjoyed it nearly as much as I enjoyed writing it! That would mean you enjoyed it a lot! xD
Now, for the nominations… I know that some people probably have already been tagged, but well, since I’m on holidays I don’t really know much what is happening ahah
That’s all! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it eheh!
See You Soon! 😀
Seriously…no need to apologise at all: just enjoy your time off! You deserve it just as much as everyone, especially considering all the hard work you have done these past few weeks! But wow you write fast. I saw the post over on Biblio’s blog early today, (totally agree, she is awesome) and now you have already written yours? Respect! And you made a great story as well, that’s for sure. Wonderful post, have fun the coming days! ??
Ahahah thank you! ^.^ It was awesome to be able to relax for almost two weeks straight! 😀
Well, some people read fast (you) and others write fast xD But, I got lucky with this one ahah I got inspired while taking a shower ahah
Glad you liked the story! Not gonna lie, was pretty proud that I was able to come out with it ahah
Well, that’s good to hear that you have been able to relax, and it’s very good to have you back again: really missed seeing you here ?
Thank you~! 😀 I’ve also missed being here and read all of this community awesome posts 😀
Great story.
I’ll try to respond to this one over the weekend but I’ve got a few other things lined up so might be late (like another couple of weekends) before I get to it. Still, definitely interested in giving it a go.
Thank you so much! ^.^
Take your time eheh I’ll be here patiently waiting to read yours eheh
Well, I finally scheduled it for Saturday. That said, I may very well scrap it before then. It is really bad and I’m not sure edits will save it.
This was great, I like how deep and emotional it was. A part of it went over my head however it felt nice to read, sad but also hopeful.
I got the impression that some of this was in the second person, which is pretty difficult to write in, so I definitely respect that.
Thank you so much! I was really happy how it came out! Never I thought that I was able to write something like this xD
Thank you! 😀 I started with just someone sharing his dream, but ended up with him talking to the person he love and misses eheh
Yeah, it feels weird because a lot of people have gone for this really emotional/deep vibe to create this great atmosphere and emotional story and then I’ve just done a collection of one liners joined together by an extremely vague story!
Everyone has their own way to write and create xD So, I don’t think it’s weird at all! Doing your own thing is more important, even if it may feel weird ahah
Yeah true. I tend to write fantasy and release it on my blog but I felt like doing something different would be fun.
that’s a really sweet story.
Thank you for the tag, gonna try to do it but I can guarantee anything since the next two week I will be a little bit busy with work.
Thank you so much eheh
No problem! Take your time eheh I’ll patiently wait to read it eheh
Beautiful, sweet, and a bit sorrowful. You’re an awesome writer! Thanks for participating! ♥
Thank you so much! <3 to be honest I never thought I would be able to write something like this ahah
What a beautiful story. Sad, but beautiful. I really enjoyed reading that so thank you! 🙂
Oh thank you so much <3 To be honest I never thought I would be able to write something like this xD
Now you know that you’re pretty good at writing stuff like this haha :’) You should write more 🙂
Well I do have a project that would involve a lot of writing, but I need to find the time to be able to do it xp
Oooo nice! I look forward to that 🙂