How To Adult?

How To Adult?
3C Category

Hi guys and welcome to our place! 😀

As all of my spontaneous posts I don’t really know where I’m going with this… For you to understand I was on the subway today and (I kid you not) I was not in my mobile phone. This way I was able to see the humans around me and I happened to overhear a conversation of a girl next to me. This was her phrase:

– Oh… You know… It’s that kind of season where the house is warming up and the fruit does not last more than a few days. For example, those bananas… I even tried to save one of them and brought it to work today, but then when I was going to eat it was already spoiled!

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That’s when it hit me! That, my friends, is na adult speaking and I’m completely ages away from that! For you to understand it would take ages to have that kind of thought process! First that the fruit was getting spoiled sooner because the house is warmer, second having the thought of salvaging a banana by bringing it to work so I could eat it! But, even more than that is the facto f speaking about it! Like, that’s the ultimate adult right there and I’m miles away to that point!

Don’t take me wrong… I do have a job. One that I do have high responsibilities, responsibilities that I wouldn’t put myself into if I was in charge of the company! I’m also kind of married… I mean we ARE living together for 1 year and a half and we share house chores so, yeah, basically married… I do play my bills and I even do the laundry… But man, I’m not an adult in the slightest!!!

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To be honest, the most thing I do is slothing around in the sofa. My boyfriend comes to me and talks about these kind of important subjects, like ways to save in the rent house, that he has to do this or that for dinner because it will spoil if he won’t and I just say “yes” and continue to sloth around in the PS or PC. However, in my defence I have to come up with all kind of ways to take “nódoas” from my boyfriend’s clothes because that guy just can’t eat without getting his clothes dirty. (And when I come up it’s mainly calling my mom and ask her xD)

So, yeah, I don’t really see myself an adult and here’s why:

Adults’ Conversations:

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It can be about politics, it can be about the last news, it can even be about the banana that is going to spoil. I just don’t have those kind of conversations, neither I know how to start one! You could argue that’s because I’m an introvert, but no! Not in this case! It’s just things that I would never think about in having a conversation and I just hate catching up with news… I mean, if they are not big ones then they really don’t matter to me!

My conversations normally are about gaming, work (that’s adult at least), creativity work (for me is blogging, for my best friend is “mobilia” at the moment( and then the rest is just goofing around! Yeah, I do sometimes have deep and important conversations, but those are not that often.

I don’t know how to do my taxes:

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Taxes here in Portugal are not even 10% as difficult or complex as the American way. In fact, most of it is automatic! But, still… I just don’t know how to do it! I have a cousin who is in accounting and I always ask her to do it, every… Single… Year!

But, I know that the thing is not that difficult! And I am from management so I probably would be at ease learning how to do it, but I just can’t put myself into it and learn it!

I’m terrible managing my own life:

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This one I understood it in my college years! All my friends knew where they were going to travel next year, or what optional subjects they would take in the next semester, events for the following 6 months and what they were going to call their first born child… Ok, now I’m pushing it! But, the rest is basically true! Ok, maybe this is not how normal college students act, but since I’m from a management degree, probably my teammates had more love for managing than average…

Well, I’m not like that! I don’t even know what I’m going to do next week! Unless it’s the weekend that I come back to my hometown I never really know what I’m going to do and with who! But, guess what? Normally I always  do something over the weekend… Of course having you closest friend living in the same house helps, but I’m going further and say that normally we always invite friends over or something like that.

So yeah, I HAAAAAAAAATE managing my own life! Even in work I struggle a little bit everytime I need to come up with a plan! I mean, there are so many things that can (and normally do) change along the way that I really don’t understand what’s the point of it!

I appear and feel I am still 18:

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Ok, there are some aspects in your appearance that you can’t change… However, there are others that you can! I always prefer to use snickers (thank god I work in a place that lets me do that), I prefer hoodies to any kind of upper wear and when it comes to pants… Well, those are pretty normal I guess! I also have this Justin Bieber hair… Putting all of this together and tadaaa, you get a guy that seems to have stopped aging when he was 18.

The thing is, I do still see myself as 18. I had a life where I had to grow terribly quick, so even though I’m not an adult I still am mature. So yeah, I don’t think that I changed that much over the last few years… I think the things that I changed the most was be more confident in myself, take life less serious and think a little more about myself and not others.

Concluding, I’m just a 18 year old teen that already ended his degree and his working as a marketing manager (more like a director, since I’m the only marketer here) stuck in a body of a guy with 25, but appears to be 18 😛

What about you? I know some of you are still teens and therefore won’t relate to this post at all, but if you are an adult (or at least you are supposed to) did ever overheard something that just made you think “I still have a long way to become a full fledged adult!”? Comment down below 😀 (Aaaand…. I just remembered that I forgot to water the plants – See? Adult right here!!!)

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See You Soon! 😀

0 thoughts on “How To Adult?

  1. I will never be an adult. I kill off my plants no matter how much I think they will get watered, I don’t think about my bananas until they are black, I am happy I just have to push a button to do taxes because the government would put me in jail for faulty taxes otherwise. I just lazy around, refuse to do the dishes, read comic books and manga all day (I don’t even work but that’s because I’m mentally ill). I guess the only adult points I have are the kids, my car and my love for discussing politics. However I mostly discuss politics with homophobic racists and I am not sure it counts when you do it to provoke. ? Yeah, I don’t feel like an adult. As you I don’t really dress one either. I am a bit of a tomboy so hoodie and jeans and sneakers is my choice. Very unadult. But what does it matter, adults are awfully boring. ?

    1. Lolol! Well, I do remember to water the plants… From now and then xP

      You have kids? Oo I didn’t know about that! Well, that seems adult for me xD

      How you can take enjoyment from discussing with homophobic racists beats me! Those kind of people just push all my buttons! xD

      Well, yeah I think that too xD I mean, great for them but I wouldn’t have the patience to be a full-fledged adult and act properly all the time xD

      1. Nah, I am pretty much on the same level as my kids; playing video games (with them often), eat candy on saturdays and watch superhero movies while swoon over spiderman (my daughter. She loves spiderman).

        I enjoy it because I am smarter than them. ? They annoy me too and I do stop if I feel like I can’t get out of it or I just get tired but most of the times I have pretty valid and good argument to shut them up. I have worked in customer service for a very long time so I know how to argue clever. ?

  2. This post hehe. It spoke to me on a deeeep level! ?
    Glad to see I am not the only (of age considered adult) who doesn’t feel like an ‘adult’. As you know I am 31 years old, and a teacher….but if those high school students saw me at home…yeah I would be fired ?
    Sometimes I still have to show my ID and students always think I am 20 years old.
    You know how old I was when I got my masters in education and teaching? 29!
    So trust me most people around our age don’t even know how to adult.

    I also think it is so silly. You are an adult, you just live your life differently than what is considered “mature or adult behaviour” in this type society. You need a job, marriage, house, kids, political view…blah blah. It is all bullshit. You are an adult when you have good morals and values no matter what your lifestyle is like. ?

    So I think maybe you will love this quote (I love it!);

    “I keep thinking, oh man I am so immature! How am I allowed to be an adult?”

    Then I spend time with teenagers and its like….Wow, okay, yeah…I AM an adult. I am so an adult! Look at me adulting all over the place!”

    1. Ahahahah It’s really strange to read a teacher saying this xD Normally because teachers always tend to be so… Adult?

      Oh! Don’t let me start with the ID’s!!! At the moment the age to buy alcohol and enter discos is 18 in Portugal… I have to show my ID more than 50% of the times ^.^’

      That’s really a nice way to think about it! <3 Yeah you are true! Nevertheless, I think that if not for my boyfriend we would already probably got our electricity cut out or something like that ahah

      That's a great quote!!! And yeah… If I spend anytime with teens I also think "Well, yeah I'm more mature than those guys", however I felt already that way when a teen compared to the average teenager ahaha xD However, when it comes to looks there are many teens out there that seem older than me ahah

  3. Haha no adult knows how to adult. I don’t know how to do my taxes either lol I get my parents to do that for me they don’t care. They know I’m hopeless. Be proud of your introvertness, I certainly am. I always like to know what’s going on in the world and will watch the news. Then I crawl back into my hole of happiness which involves anime, dramas etc LOL

    1. Ahahah Well, I really think I’m blessed by having a cousin who does my taxes xD I just hate anything that involves a lot of burocricy!

      Oh yeah, I’m really proud of it too! 😛 Regarding the news… I’ve tried but… I just can’t xD Unless it’s about gaming, Anime or something major I don’t really care xD

  4. I’m 36 on the outside but I feel 21 on the inside 😛 I do consider myself to be an adult a lot of the time as I’m a manager and a father… but I like to think I’m a very fun adult who enjoys video games, anime and superhero films 🙂

    1. I’m also a managar ahahah >.< And to be honest I'm not horrible at it! Don't ask me why though because I don't know! Nevertheless I still think they give me more credit than I deserve for since most of the times I'm like "well, this should work… Right?"

      Ahahah well yeah, but I think those are your likes, it's different from everybody and doesn't really mean you are not an adult xD For me if you have kids that you were able to make them survive for more than a week then you are a full-fledged adult! I don't really understand how parents can do it honestly! I'm always tired and I don't even have to think about that!

      1. I think most people wonder how it’s possible 🙂 I did before my son was born. But once my wife and I had a child, we just found a way to make it work. It’s never easy, but we take it one step at a time and the big picture takes care of itself 🙂

  5. The only thing I do with any real responsibility is take care of my dogs. Everything else is a cluster of putting it off and figuring things out last minute. I don’t even cook… Our stove has been broken for almost two months and I’m cool with eating fridge food that needs no cooking. I do miss mac and cheese though… Not going to lie.

  6. Adulting is overrated. At 34, I do do the important stuff like bill paying etc, but I’ve steadfastly refused to grow up in terms of enjoying myself. As long as I don’t do anything that makes it hard me and my family to live comfortably, I intend to continue being a big kid 🙂

    1. Well yeah, but that doesn’t mean you are not an adult right? xD I think that everyone has their right to enjoy themselves as they want, that’s not what tells if someone is an adult or not xD I think it’s something deeper than that xD Which I fail of course

      1. LOL. Yeah, it does go deeper in some ways. I do still think that there’s a misconception that becoming an adult means giving up childish things though, so I maintain that i’m not fully fledged, and more than happy with that. Such is life though. As long as we’re all happy, it’s all good 🙂

  7. There’s only one way to put it:
    “If you know how to adult… You’re probably doing it wrong.”
    Adulting is difficult!!! No one knows what they’re doing! The best that we can do is to be confident and think that we are adulting right. (haha)
    No worries Arthifis, you’re adulting just fine 🙂

    1. Looool yeah, probably you are right xD Fake it until you make it eheh

      Thank very much ^.^ Although I don’t really care! I’m alive and I have a roof so I’m probably doing something right ahah

  8. I’m never growing up! What’s the point of being an adult if you can’t be childish sometimes! So even when I do adult, it’s only cause I have to. I’m still a college student though, so I’m not quite there.

  9. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything that made me think that. I just know I’m an adult bc of my age but I’m also so far from being self sufficient which is my only definition of a ” proper adult” ( or maybe I would be if I didn’t spend so much on being an Italy lolol)

    1. On being an Italy? XD Sorry, I don’t know what that means ahahah!

      But yeah, that’s the thing right? I should be saving for I don’t know… A house? And I’m spending it all in gaming lolol

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