One Liner Tag | I Really Love This Tag!

One Liner Tag | I Really Love This Tag!
3C Category

Hi everyone and welcome to our place,

I know, I know! I’ve been terrible under the radar lately! I have a ton of comments to answer and another ton of posts to read and comment it myself! The answer lies in 3 words: League of Legends! Yes, it seems that my experience with Last of Us multyplayer just woke up my PVP side again and I just had to go and play LoL… Of course I am now addicted (again) and I’m passing way too much time playing it -.-”

Nevertheless, tomorrow is a holiday here in Portugal and I’ll do my best to not click that exe button before catching up with the blog community! No promises thought, something I know about myself is that I don’t have any kind of selfcontrol whatsoever!!!

game addict.gif

But enough about me, today I’m going to answer a tag which I think it’s one of the funnier tags ever! I want to thank the people who were lovely enough to tag me:

Irina from drunkenanimeblog – We all know her and we all love her! She’s basically one of my favorite anime bloggers of all time (sorry, not sorry). She is able to always make great and creative content around Anime! If you are still not following her what the hell are you doing – go now!

Moe Gamer – Not gonna lie, one of my favorite Gaming bloggers out there! I just love his writing and thoughts on… well, basically all games! I’ve got to meet all these crazy and beatiful games that I wouldn’t even give a second glance if it was not for him! So, yeah! If you are into gaming he is one of those that are a much follow!

The Rules:

  • Accept and thank your challenger(s) by linking back to their post.
  • Make a post of one-sentence summaries/roasts of at least five books manga anime games. (I’m gonna with 5 Anime and 5 games)
  • No spoilers!
  • Link back to The Awkward Book Blogger so she can see your post. – Thank you for this really fun tag!
  • Challenge as many or as few people as you want!




2 Girls, one apartment, 777 unlucky events!

Natsume: Book of Friends

Natsume Book of Friends.jpg

A guy whose ghost friends barge in his room all the time to party and drink sake.



The more you hit me, the more I love you!



From Zero to Hero – Anime Edition

Highschool of the Dead

Highschool of the Dead.jpg

A bunch f highschooler trying to save the zombie appocalypse… And BOOBIES!


Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII.jpg

You don’t need to be an extrovert to be a leader!


Nier Automata.jpg

A female robot trying to save the world while showing her panties to everyone!

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV.jpg

Why save the World when you have frogs to catch?

Persona 5

persona 5t.jpg

Be aware of the apps that appear in your phone

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

yu-gi-oh forbidden memories.png

Forget all the rules you have learnt from the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, you will not need them at all for this one!


And that’s it for today! πŸ˜€ Hope you had fun! Comment down below which phrase would you use to talk aboout the games/animes I chose πŸ˜› I swear I’ll try to answer this time instead of just playing League of Legends k~? ^.^

Funny Jump Rope Anime

See You Soon! πŸ˜€


0 thoughts on “One Liner Tag | I Really Love This Tag!

    1. Are you blushing because of all the sake you have been drinking?
      Thank you! XD I was thinking only writing 2 girls, 1 apartment (like 2 girls, 1 cup) but I had to insert the demon number there!

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