I Don’t Understand Why People Hate The Lost Village So Much?

I Don’t Understand Why People Hate The Lost Village So Much?
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Hello everyone and welcome to our place!

This weekend I was finally able to finish the Random Anime I got some weeks ago – The Lost Village and, although I’m trying to do fewer reviews here on the blog I just couldn’t pass this on.

The truth is, I had something really nice to talk about what The Lost Village made me think about. However, after seeing that its rating is so bad and people seem to hate it so much, I just had to postpone that post and write a review about it. So, without further ado, let’s start!

– Synopsis –

The Lost Village Anime Synopsis

The Lost Village is about a group of people who entered in some kind of trip they had found online. The destination is Nanaki Village, a lost village where they would be able to put all of their lives behind them and start a new fresh one without having contact with the outside world.

However, not much time passed in the village and everyone can understand that something is wrong. The first indication is how the village, although completely empty, seemed to have people living there not so long ago who seemed to have disappeared in a hurry. The second one, it’s the screams they are able to hear which seems to be from a bear. However, they are wrong, the screams come from something way worse than a bear…

– Plot –

The Lost Village Anime Horror

To be honest, I liked the story. The premise is good, intriguing, and they deliver what they seem to be promising you in the beginning. A story where you will have mystery and horror.

However, it’s true that the pace is not the best. I think in the beginning they were thinking about doing 2 seasons. But, since the Anime was not getting good ratings they had to cut it in half and finish it one season. This means that, while the setting at the beginning of the story takes a while, the explanation and the end are way too quick. Yeah, that’s true, but, there are many Animes with worst pace than this one which have good ratings out there.

The Lost Village Anime Pace
Aren’t we all?

It’s also true that when it comes to horror is not the best, and when it comes to mystery it is also not the best. Nevertheless, it’s way better than many out there. In fact, I liked The Lost Village way more than Gantz. To be honest, when you end up discovering what the hell is alive in the forest around the village, the horror part of the Anime ends. Nevertheless, until then, I just felt intrigued and curious to know what the hell happened.

Moreover, the story tackles 2 subjects which I also loved. What anarchy does to people. Meaning, everyone’s has a different opinion and since there is no official leader in the village and it’s supposed not having any rules, it’s just normal people will enter in conflict with each other. The other subject is how to fight/accept your worst fears. Let’s face it, if you are running from everything, that’s because it happened something really bad. This way, it’s nice to see each one of these characters struggling with their own problems, pasts, and fears.

The Lost Village Anime cannibalization
I don’t know about that

– Characters –

The Lost Village Anime Characters

Ok, from the bat, the main character is annoying. There is no way to put it. He’s one of those characters that are really frail, but always want to help, are way too naïve and goody for their own health. However, Mitsumune ends up developing quite a lot along in the story. You can see him become more courageous and assertive. In fact, by the end of the Anime, I really liked him as a character.

All the rest have strong (and really different) personalities. The Anime focus on 7-8 characters (maybe more, I didn’t count them) and do a good job with them. The truth is, all the characters will have to conquer their worst fears. This way, character evolution, and background are a given.

The Lost Village Anime Anarchy
The prince in the shining armor!

Nevertheless, I know that some of these evolutions were made way too quick and unexpectedly. But, as I said before, I think the problem was of having their number of episodes cut in half. Think about it, if you are thinking about developing a certain number of characters in 23 episodes and, from one moment to another you only have 12, things will get difficult.

Of course, this is my feeling about it and I don’t really know if it’s true. They could have just sucked in creating the pace. But, to be honest, this sense that I get of them to have to cut episodes are way too strong though xD

– Animation & Audio –

For the time it came out the animation is good. I mean, at least is polished and modern. It’s not the best I’ve ever seen, but it is also not the worst I’ve ever seen. There is just something that bothers me a little. They used 3D for some animations, the same thing you can watch with Berserker from Fate/Zero. I’m not really a fan of using this kind of 3D with 2D anime. However, I don’t think it’s something THAT important or bad.

The Lost Village Anime Nanaki
The visuals are cool though

Regarding audio, the only thing I have to say is, the main character voice is a little annoying in the beginning. Especially since he seems to be venting a lot of the times. But, as the character itself, I think it gets better. (Or I got used to it?).

The rest, well, it’s average. No, it didn’t make me in the edge of my seat as good horror audio would do. But, for what they want to pass and deliver to you I think the audio is more than enough 😛

– Conclusion –

The Lost Village Anime Lovepon Execute

Is it the best Anime I’ve ever watched? No! Is it interesting enough to give it a try? Hell yeah!

I don’t really get why people seem to bash this particular Anime so much and why its rating is so low. But, from a guy who is really picky about the horror and mystery genre, this one hit the stop to the point of watching the last half in a row. Yeah, I got pretty hooked on it and when it ended I felt I would like to watch some more episodes.

What about you? Have you watched The Lost Village? What did you think about it? Tell me all in the comments! 😀

The Lost Village Anime Lion
See You Soon! 😀


0 thoughts on “I Don’t Understand Why People Hate The Lost Village So Much?

  1. You forgot to mention “The Unlucky Hippopotamos”!! That is the best part of it all. ? No but I loved The Lost Village a lot and I don’t get the low rating either. Sure, there is an issue with the pacing. It should have been better off with more episodes so we could have gotten in deeper with the characters and the story itself. But other than that I think it was totally okey. Not the best but def not the worst out there. Better than average I’d say. I wonder if this is a case of one person giving negative critique and the rest sort of following along. Sometimes that happens. I’m glad someone else likes it to.

    1. OMG!!!! You are absolutely right! How the hell did I forget one the best pieces of music ever! Damn, that was bad of my part >.< In fact, when I started writing I thought on talking about it and then just forgot along the way -.-''

      Yea, I'm with you! I don't know about the case being "one person giving negative critique" since there are some bloggers out there that I respect their opinion a lot who also didn't like the show. I think it depends if you watched it episodical or not. At least, that would make more sense to me!

      1. Shame on you. ?

        Yeah you are probably right. I never read any blogs about it (it was before my time on WP), it was mostly people’s opinions and the usual reviewers and of course YT. ? YT has a tendency to get down with each others opinions I feel. With most stuff actually. Or I’m just cynical. But you might be onto something with the episodical viewing. I started by watching it once a week, made a pause and then I binged the last 2/3 or so. I think you get a better overview of what’s going on if you do that. I found it a bit hard to get the consistency those first episodes and I forgot stuff. So yeah it was probably a better anime to binge.

  2. Adding it to the watch list! Thanks for bringing this interesting looking show to my attention. Some of my favourite shows are low rated by THAT website so I try not to take their scores into my decision making process when picking a show to watch.

    1. No problem! 😀 Happy that I got an Anime that made you interested enough to watch xD

      I completely understand you since it happens to me all the time. Some of the Animes I’ve watched that I feel they are pretty solid end up having bad general reviews 😛 I just watch what I think I’m going to like, regardless of the rating. (I do the same for games)

      “THAT website” ahahah 😀 To be honest, I don’t use MyAnimeList… I always preferred anime-planet xD However, The Lost Village also has bad ratings there >.<

  3. I never finished this, but I really enjoyed the episodes I saw of it. A lot of people complained that it was over-the-top and unrealistic, but I thought the series was doing it on purpose and trying to be sort of like a cheesy B-Movie kind of anime. I thought it was fun and didn’t take itself too seriously. I’m glad someone else liked it!

    1. That’s something I don’t understand… Should you really have the complaint of Anime being “over-the-top” or “unrealistic”… Let’s face it, Anime is not supposed to be an identical picture of the real world. Quite the contrary. If you go and say an Anime is “over-the-top” or “unrealistic” then, more than half of Animes will be like that.

      Yeah, I also have that feeling! It’s not supposed to make you terrified to go to your bathroom in the middle of the night. It’s just a more soft show that is purpose is for you to relax and have a nice evening watching it.

  4. Honestly…I passed up on this because of so many bad reviews, and the general vibe for this one. But…I always liked the premise for this anime in the first place. Your review proves once again, that sometimes you just need to ignore stuff like that and make up your own mind. So…thank you for this great post! (although that does mean that I now have to add another anime to my to watch list…so erm..thanks…I guess? ????)

    1. Yeah, you should never put something aside because of the general reviews. Most of the times they are not quite accurate. Moreover, something that may work for you won’t work for others. Never forget, there are Animes that have already 5 starts in Myanimelist before they even come out. They have that rating only because of the hyper. This way, I always try not to take much into account the general ratings… Unless I’m doing the Horrible Anime Quest that is ahah

      No problem… I guess? ahah 😀

  5. It’s a fun ride if you don’t go in expecting another Another! Admittedly, I was initially annoyed by a lot of parts (namely, characters taking way too long to do one damn thing and not having a rational reason behind it), but once you appreciate that the anime isn’t even trying to take itself seriously, you can really just sit back and laugh.

    1. Yeah, I’m there with you! But, let’s face it, Another is in a league of its own, so we shouldn’t enter in an Anime thinking it will be another Another xD Moreover, from everything I watched until now, I feel Anime is not the best when it comes to horror… Don’t ask me why, but they just seem to not be able to have the scary factor lolol

      1. Yup, I agree. I only made that comment because Another and Mayoiga share the same studio and director, and so many people back then were getting hyped about a new Another!

  6. I think people really fail to remember who created this show, a known comedy writer who loves creating subversive, “horror/mystery” shows. This isn’t the first, Another is a great example.

    1. Yeah, you are probably right! Most of the people do not go and look for the writer of an Anime. Myself included (Although I’m trying to be better at that!!)

  7. As someone who didn’t like it and probably bashed when it originally came out, I think the main annoyance was the pacing and the ‘mystery’ itself.

    For a mystery story pacing, although not essential, is still pretty important so it didn’t really help when the entire build up lead to a rather disappointing reveal and conclusion. The end just left me feeling somehow betrayed. I had invested so much into the show (I actually kind of stopped caring by episode 8) and for what? A hot mess that struggled to make sense at the last minute.

    But honestly, I think most of the bashing came from anger that it wasn’t really what I signed up for.

    1. Yeah, I can understand your point! I also felt that the ending was rushed a LOT. That’s why I’m putting the theory that they were expecting in creating more episodes. However, I think it ended up being a good explanation for everything that was happening. It’s true that it didn’t explain how Nanaki ended up existing or how it is possible to have one. Nevertheless, there are some shows like that. I mean, not always you will get all the facts and explanations for something.

      Nevertheless, I don’t think it should get such a bad overall rating. Also, I think someone who watched this episodically versus in a row like myself will have different points of view. I mean, I can understand someone getting a little annoyed with some episodes if they are not able to continue the story in that same day. Dunno if I’m making sense 😛

  8. I think the issue with this one was for seasonal watchers it was one of those shows that promised one thing, morphed into something else, and then took a weird turn at the end without actually resolving anything. Throw in some really annoying characters who get practically no development, no actual deaths or anything that ends up being horrific other than the initial setting, and a general lack of any kind of message or purpose and it all just exists. While it isn’t the worst thing ever to watch, there’s also very little reason to watch it. Unless of course you really do like the song about the hippopotamus.

    1. After answering comments that is the idea I’m also getting and I can understand why. There are some episodes there that if you have to wait one week for the next part of the story will not feel very good. Moreover, the bad pace is way more felt when watching it episodically rather than in a row.

      I do think there is a message though. The objective of the Anime is to show that you need to accept your worst phases in your past, live with them and continue pressuring on. Although there are no deads, we can actually see people being able to address their fears and conquer them. Nevertheless, I think that the end was rushed and I would love to see the other characters being able to face their fears instead of just “yeah we’ll do it” and then they are already leaving the village.

      That’s why I think the number of episodes were cut down (it’s just a theory though) because some of those characters were important to the story as also having some actual focus on them.

    1. Ahahah I actually didn’t notice that when I was watching the Anime! But, there’s no way around it! The girl just went from one to two!! Creepy! ahahah

      Nevertheless, I think the Anime still teaches you something and tries to give some added value to your life. From someone who has big psychological scars from the past, I can say that the way to go is by accepting them and moving on.

  9. I honestly can’t remember how far I got in to The Lost Village, maybe three or four episodes. I think none of the characters really grabbed me that didn’t help. They all felt a little generic, and it was hard to care about them. Maybe I’ll retry the series another time though.

    1. I can understand why. I ended up pushing forward because of the premise. But, it’s true the characters, in the beginning, are not really interesting. However, after some episodes, they start to develop and become good characters, in my opinion.

      Now, is there any generic characters? Well, yeah, there are a few. But, the ones that are more important end up showing another side of themselves 😛

  10. As I mentioned to you on Twitter, I also enjoyed The Lost Village! Sure, it had its problems, but its premise – a group of misfits setting up shop in an abandoned village surrounded by monsters representing their deepest and darkest fears – reminded me of my favourite video game franchise, Silent Hill, so, points for that! I also found myself repulsed at the contrast between the ugly CGI monsters and the attractive character models (which is a good thing for a horror show!) Sure, it’s not fantastic, but I cannot understand the hate it received!

    1. Ooooh never thought under that perspective. It does remind of Silent Hill! And props for being one of your favorite horror games, we have that in common xD

      From what I could understand by other people comments it seems that if you watch it in a weekly basis the problems with the pace for example will be more accentuated than if you watch it in one go 😛

      1. Ooh, Silent Hill is one of your favourite video game franchises too? Which entry into the series is your favourite? And do you have a list of your favourite games on your blog?

        Ah, OK, that makes sense. I sometimes forget that your experience with a show can differ drastically depending on whether you watch it all in one go or weekly…

        1. I have to go with the very first on that! 😀 I don’t know why, maybe because of the age I played, but it was the one who shooked me the most xD

          I don’t have a post per sais, but my first series was reviewing mt top 10 games 🙂 You can find it here -> https://arthifis.com/house-blueprints/gaming-bedroom/gaming-tops/top-10-video-games/

          However, Silent Hill is not there xD I’m just a sucker for RPGs you know… ahah

          Yeah! It blows my mind how a review can change so much depending on how you watch it 😛

          1. Well, it was one of the first posts xD And yeah… You can clearly see the difference if you read the review for the 10th place versus the first one ahah No problem, hope you have fun with it eheh

          2. I can’t go back and read what I wrote five years ago when I last blogged, it makes me cringe! I think I’ve matured a lot in that time!

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