Tatoeba Last Dungeon Episode 3 Discussion & Gallery

Tatoeba Last Dungeon Episode 3 Discussion & Gallery

It’s been a while since I’ve watched an Anime that is able to tell its story in such a funny way. I mean, most authors can design funny character designs to make a scene funnier, but only a few can include jokes throughout the story in such a natural way as Tatoeba Last Dungeon. Episode 3 is excellent proof of that – the story developed quite a lot but remained hilarious even in the most serious scenes. In fact, all characters are so funny that it’s hard to think any of them as an antagonist – that’s why I got surprised when I realized that the one who was looking for the princess (death or alive) was Mertophan. Speaking of which, I hope that he regains his senses and continues on the Anime as a friend of the protagonists. I like him way too much to see him go so soon.

The story was actually interesting. I’ve been watching Tatoeba Last Dungeon mainly for the cuteness and the jokes, so I never expected to get myself invested in the story itself. However, in episode 3, I was strongly rooting for Marie (who ended up being the princess). Sure, a processed king isn’t something new (I can remember at least two Final Fantasy games where that happens), but it’s still a nice plot to play with. The only joke that I’m not sure if it was that great was the banana gag… Not sure if I want to hear mentions about a young boy’s material. Did you enjoy Tatoeba Last Dungeon’s episode 3? Tell me everything down below. ?

I’ll be adding new galleries throughout the season as new episodes come out. Enjoy! If you have a website and want to use one of my images, feel free to do so. I’ll be happy if you backlink to this article, but it’s not mandatory.

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