“Do You Wanna Build a Shonen?” | Politics System
Hello everyone and welcome to our place 😀
Today I bring you something a little different! This time, we will be writing a shounen story 😀 AstralGemini created this tag of having our community writing a shounen story. To be honest, I’m pretty excited with this one and I really want to see how this is going to turn out 😀
I also want to thank Kimchisama for tagging me! He did great work by creating the magic system! If you don’t follow him, you should do it since he is just plain awesome and very good writer.
So, without further ado, let’s start!
General Rules:
- Copy the post you were tagged in (From the Rules down, include links to each person’s post. Exclude that person’s personal comments and their tag choice, of course.)
- Read the general rules Here (the post will be updated as new rules appear)
- According to the rules for the current section, write your piece of the post.
- Tag a post of someone who has not yet been tagged. (Give them 3 days or so to accept, if they don’t you can choose someone else to keep the tag moving.)
- If you accept a tag, try and get the next piece written within a week, so things keep moving at a decent pace.
- Have fun!!!
Rules – Section 1: Setting/Worldbuilding
- Use between 100 and 300 words (a little overflow is ok but don’t go too wild), to add a piece to the setting of our Shonen world. Feel free to draw on various types of Shonen tropes, but make sure that your part of the setting follows a certain “Theme.” Themes can be such things as “Magic system”, “Politics”, “Geography”, “Technology”, “Organizations”, etc.
- Make sure to label the “Theme” of your piece of the world setting at the top of your section, as demonstrated below.
- Try not to duplicate themes.
- You can go into as much or as little detail as you want, as long as you stay within the word limit.
- Have fun with stuff, but try and make things fit into the pre-existing pieces of the world setting.
Themes already created:
– Politics System –
Throughout time, due to the evolution of magic, mages became started to grow apart from each other. Some just wanted to help the normal folk, while others wanted to control the world. This brought two very distinctive factions which then created two different nations.
At one side, we have the nation of the red crest. Through their magic, they enslaving everyone who is not a mage. Here, being a mage is equal to have a status of nobility. However, if you have the lack of luck of being born without magic power, then you are labeled as a slave right away and may actually just be used so these mages can do their experiments and blood magic.
On the other side, we have the white crest. Completely with a different point of view in life, they decided to use their magic to the greater good and help people. In here, normal folk is the ones ruling while mages are more into the advisors’ party. Though they live in peace internally, the normal folk wants to free their own kind from the red crest.
However, nothing is that easy. Since the red crest decided to give up control to magic they are stronger than the other mages. Moreover, the white crest mages cannot dwell in magic too much since they also would succumb to the powers of magic. Nevertheless, there are still those who try it. But, although their heart is in the right place they end up losing control, which led to having small factions inside of the white crest fighting each other regarding in how much they should regulate the mages living there.
Chaos is dwelling upon the white crest faction and war is imminent, which makes us ask if they will be able to come into accord internally to be able to fight their opposite side.
Well, that’s what I have for you guys! 😀 I hope you find it interesting 🙂 I worked on what Astral and Kim already had created, so I hope I didn’t just destroy their work ahah
Now, the tagging, the tagging… There are way many people I want to tag xD However, this time I will be picking Biblionyan! Her writing is just beautiful and I’m pretty curious to see what she is going to create from this eheh Don’t forget Biblio, you have 3 days to answer in the comment if you will take it or not xD
Unfortunately, Biblio isn’t able to answer the tag and, therefore, I will need to tag another person. This way, I’ll go and choose another awesome blogger who is incredible and very creative! Cactus Matt, hopefully you will be able to continue this story 😀
This is awesome! You did a great job taking on the politics (something I usually avoid haha) A great way to start off the conflict!
Thanks eheh ? to be honest politics are also not my strength xD but it just came together like this ahah
Ooh, I’m honestly loving this! Can’t wait to see the world expand even more.
Ahah that makes us both of us! ? Cactus Matt already wrote his part xP
I know, I read it! ?
Lol, if there is one thing I hate: It’s politics….and you just made politics fun and interesting. So: great job I would say! ?
Ahahah thank you! XD and yeah… Politics in the real world are a pain in the butt
Awesome work, Arthi! I love the factions and the disparity between the magic users and non-magic users. It’s a cool concept and I can’t wait to see how the world evolves around it!
Thank you astral! Happy that you liked it eheh I got a little bit inspiration from the dragon age games xD