Sunshine Blog Award | Shine Bright Like a Sunshine!

Sunshine Blog Award | Shine Bright Like a Sunshine!

Hi guys and welcome to our place! 😀

It seems I was yet again nominated in the Sunshine Blogger Award! I just can’t write how honored I feel! I mean, people really seem to believe that I bright their days somehow and that… That is just awesome and really makes me happy and feel that my blog is having a purpose more than just let me rant about the things I want xD

Let’s go see the awesome people who nominated shall we?

First we have Spooky Red Head!

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Have you seen Spooky’s (Can I call you Spooky?) avatar? I mean… That thing brights my day everyday I end up seeing it! It’s just SO CUTE!!!!! Spooky’s blog is awesome (OF COURSE) but the thing I like the most is the series about some facts to know *insert name*. I really like those and they are always so much fun!!!! Great job Spooky! Continue doing it eheh

Next we have Triform Trinity!

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Probably, contrary to Spooky probably there are many people here that don’t know him. The reason being is because he writes more about gaming than Anime. Let me tell you… You are missing out! We’ve met no that long ago and in the first second I knew that I was talking with a great and kind fellow. As I said, his blog is majorly about gaming, not Anime but hey! It’s incredibly interesting! Especially when it takes his time and put out interesting news all over the gaming World. Even if your blog is not about Gaming if you do like to play games Trinity is the right person for you to follow and always be on top of things without having to do much effort 😛

Now, the Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated me for this
  • Answer the question that has been mentioned in the post
  • Post question for my nominees to answer
  • Nominate users for the Sunshine Blogger Award
  • GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFS!!!!!!! (Ok, that only applies to me… But still…)

The Gifs:


I think at this point these are my trend marks, no? XD

The Questions:

Spooky’s Question:

As bloggers, we write about anything we like to talk about and express our ideas and opinions. Some of us have our own writing style and schedule and we write the way that can be read easily. As bloggers or even vloggers, we can write or say about anything. However, some people don’t do anything of that and they just become our audience. Can you, a writer or vlogger, imagine your life right now if you never did blogging or vlogging? Would your life be really different?

That’s a great introduction for a question! 😀 So let’s see… Can I imagine my life if I never did blogging? Well, yes of course! I’m not in the blogging community for that long! Probably half a year or close to that! So yea, I can imagine my life without blogging.

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It would be a boring one!

If it would be different? Well, yes it would! I’m not going to explain TOO much because that’s something I’ll be writing on Wednesday! However, I can say that I found the love for blogging in the first few days and at this moment my career objective is to be able to live only by doing this! So, yeah, finding something that you love to do changes your life! Therefore, if I didn’t start it I would still feel the uneasiness of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life 😛

Trinity’s Question:

If you could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Just one type of food? That’s difficult!!! I think I would go with… Pizza! 😀

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Oh, I forgot, please introduce us to you in a way as if we saw a movie in the theatre.

*clears throat*:

“In a small space of the Internet there was a little home… There you could hear the laughs and see the lights on many nights. Sometimes words like Anime and Video Games could be heard from the walls to whoever was passing nearby.

Follow us as Arthifis tries to balance his time good enough to be able to continue hosting parties at this little place and at the same time follow the growth of that same place!”

Already on the Theatres! Go watch it at

Was that good?

Would you write in diary or record one instead? Why?

Hmmm, I don’t think so! I only had one diary during all my life. I was a kid and wrote on it maybe not even for a month! There is something about blogging that really keeps me puling back – the community around it!

What is your favorite commercial you can remember to this day?

My memory sucks so don’t expect too much out of me! Moreover, I’m Portuguese so I don’t even know if you know the same ads as I do… But I’ll go with this one:

I am in a bind and in need of a book to read before going to an event, can you recommend me a great one?

Of course! The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel from Michael Scott! One of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read in my life!

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Those covers though!

You can travel where ever you want…where would you like to go?

JAPAN of course!

Let us know the quote that best describes you as a person.

Uuuh… A quote? Other thing I’m not really that good!!! Let me think…

Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values.

Ellen DeGeneres

I think the quote is self-explanatory xD

What is your favorite genre in film? Why is that?

I’m between horror and romance comedies xD Completely different and also for completely different reasons! The horror would be because of the anxiety of always waiting to get scared (I just live for that!). Romance comedies… Well, because laughing is always nice XD

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Or we can have both! 😀

Being in the mood for good old classic games, what would you recommend me?

What is classic at the moment? Since it seems PS1 in these times and days is considered “classic” XD I’ll give you some for the PS1 for different genres:

Platform – Abe’s Oddysee

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Probably my favorite platformer of all time!

Strategy (?) – Magic The Gathering – Battlemages


Just started replaying this yesterday… So… Yeah, it’s a nice one 😛

RPG – Grandia

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Making the trap joke before it was cool!

Just because I’m going to take for granted you already played all the Final Fantasies! This one is one of the best RPGs I ever played for PS1 and I just LOVE it!

Rats or spiders?

Rats! 200% rats! I’m from the countryside so I’m used to both, however spiders are way too much creepier and easier to enter your house!!! Unless we include snakes to the formula… If we do, then Rats and Spiders 2000% over snakes! I just hate those!

Congratulations! You are now the new designer for the next new jingle and burger that McDonalds will use from now on. What will you do?

McDonalds? I’m not really that into McDonalds to be honest! 😀 Let me think…

Name of the Burger: Mc Nokia Burger

“Are you afraid of the WW3?

Don’t worry we have you covered!

Hamburgers that don’t spoil for the years to come

And also can be used as a bazooka if you want”

*ends with the Nokia ring*

Would you buy it? xD

My Nominations:

I won’t be nominating a lot of people today! I’m going with 3!

As for questions, I will also only ask 3 (And I’m going to steal the good ones from above muahahah)

  • Please introduce us to you in a way as if we saw a movie in the theatre.
  • What is your favorite commercial you can remember to this day?
  • As bloggers, we write about anything we like to talk about and express our ideas and opinions. Some of us have our own writing style and schedule and we write the way that can be read easily. As bloggers or even vloggers, we can write or say about anything. However, some people don’t do anything of that and they just become our audience. Can you, a writer or vlogger, imagine your life right now if you never did blogging or vlogging? Would your life be really different?

And that’s it for today! Again, thank you so much to Spooky and Trinity! You made my day with those nominations and I just feel so happy that I’m makine someone happy out there with my little ramblings!

Don’t forget to follow EVERYONE I’ve mentioned in this post okay?? I’ll curse you if you don’t!

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See You Soon! 😀

28 thoughts on “Sunshine Blog Award | Shine Bright Like a Sunshine!

  1. I’m adding that Nicholas Flamel books to my TBR because his name sounds familiar (harry potter methink) and because of what you said – one of the best fantasy books you’ve ever read!
    Thank you for the nomination arty-sis! This ‘brightened’ my rather dark day ^_^

    1. Will love to know what do you think about those! 😀 Yeah, it does have a little bit of harry potter vibe xD It is also one of those that join fantasy with the real world! 😛 And if you are a fan of mythology like me you will just love the books! 😀
      You welcome! I’m happy that I helped! But a little concerned to know that you are having a dark day ;/ Anything you need you know where to find me ^^

      1. He was the one fr HP who created the sorcerer’s stone! Lol anyway yeah fantasy and mythology is one of my favorite genres too so I’m adding this.
        Thank you. I’m doing fine now but it’s definitely good to hear that <3

        1. Aaah yes of course ahahah xD sorry my bad! Of course it’s the same guy as in Harry Potter xP the French guy who is believed to have created the sorcerer stone xp

  2. Oh my god someone remembers the Alchemyst series! Art-san!!
    I used to adore those books a couple of years back! Golden aura that smells like oranges and Silver of Vanilla!
    Oh yay! Wow, I got all excited just thinking about that series~

    Thanks for the nomination Art-san~
    I’m curious as to how that burger would taste…..

    1. Finally I found a reader of the Alchemyst series! We were already friends, now we are just best friends!!!!

      No problem! You deserve it eheh Well… I don’t really know, but probably the same as all others since the flavour is in the sauce and not the burguer itself ahah

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